The above image is my tattoo design, it will be on my inner left wrist.
I recently started using Twitter again. I had an account a little while back but I forgot all the information and I no longer use the email that I provided for the account, so I made a new one. It is seriously addicting.
If anyone would like to follow me, I always follow back, and I love to talk.
Link: http://twitter.com/SuperJangasm
I've been dream blogging for a few years now on a private blog not open to anyone but myself. I recently started posting dream blogs on my MySpace blog, and now I think I will start posting some here as well. Here are two dreams from the other night:
I'm walking into a really large, classy looking bank. As I walk in someone puts a black cloth sack over my head and grabs me from the side. I'm screaming and kicked but I'm lifted off the ground and I am being carried into another room. I can hear the distant sounds of crying and yelling, and I hear one gunshot. The bag is removed from my head and I am thrown to the floor. I look around, confused and terrified, and see that there are 5 other people in the small office I was thrown in. There is an elderly couple sitting at the desk in the corner of the room, the man's face has dark purple blotches on it, and the woman's eyes are bright red from crying.
There is a young guy in the office, he seems to be about my age, he is in the corner closest to me, his knees are pulled to his chest and his head is down. There is a blond woman pacing the room, she is in a business suit, I assume she works at the bank we are being held in. The fifth person in the room is a little girl, about six or seven years old, she is the only person who seems completely calm, just sitting on the floor braiding her hair. No one seems to notice that I had just been thrown violently into the room, and I wasn't about to draw attention to myself by asking questions.
I sat and waited, for anything. Another gunshot echoed through the air, closer than the last. I was the only one who jumped, so I assumed that they had been there for a while. A man came into the room, he was wearing a black mask and a bullet proof vest, he was holding a gun. He spoke with a thick accent, Russian. He went around the room, asking a list of questions about a specific woman to each person in the room. No one knew. The old man who was once comforting his wife was now on his feet screaming and trying to beat the man who had trapped us here. The intruder hits him with the gun and drags him in the hallway. We hear another gunshot, and the old woman screams and drops to the floor, mourning her husband.
After a few hours, and a few more gunshots, another man comes in and informs us that the whole building is secure, and that there is no way in or out of the bank. He then tells us that we are free to walk around the bank but if he gets wind of anyone trying to pull anything, he will kills us where we stand. I quickly leave the room and walk down the nearest hallway. There are armed men every ten feet, there must be at least 100 of them in the whole building. Most of the doors I pass are closed, but I can hear people inside, crying or talking. The top windows are blacked out so no one can see inside, or out, but through the bottoms I can see feet, blood, bags, bodies...
I walk back towards the office I started in, and I notice the door next to it is open a crack. I look inside and see a woman lying on the floor in a pool of her own blood. I recognize her from somewhere, but I'm not sure where. I then notice that she looks like the woman that the men have been asking us about. Before I can mull the situation any further, a man comes up behind me and grabs me, leading me back into the hallway, which is now filled with terrified looking people. A large man in a nice suit is speaking, he is saying that we can leave. I can hear people crying with relief as we are lead through a door in the back of the bank. Everyone funnels out and runs towards their cars, going home. I just stand there staring at the building, I can hear gunshots from all around me, then... nothing.
McDonalds is now a real restaurant, the crew people wait on tables and get tipped and all that fun stuff. The building I work in is three times the size as it is in real life, and very nice on the inside. I'm waiting on a table that one of our usual customers is seated at, she is a very old woman, easily in her 90's, and she is talking up a storm, asking me the same questions she asks every time she comes in. She gets up to leave, and hands me a $200 tip. I smile and tell her that it is too much, and she just smiles and winks, leaving me with the $200. I turn to see my ex-boyfriend coming in through the door, I haven't seen him in years, and had no idea he knew where I lived or worked. I ran up to him and hugged him, he hugged me back and we kissed, despite the fact that my boyfriend was standing there watching.
He asked me if we could talk, and I hesitantly said yes. I went on break, and we sat at a table with four other people he brought with him. Despite the fact that we sat there for half an hour, nothing was said. We just sat there staring at each other, conflicting emotions on our faces. Colby walked over to us and shook his hand, politely telling him that it was nice to finally meet him because he had heard a lot about him. My ex went along with it and shook his hand. Colby sat at a table nearby with some people we work with, looking over occasionally. After sitting there for almost an hour, I stood up and walked away. Everything in the large room seemed frozen in time. No one was moving, talking, or even blinking. I looked over at my ex, frozen in place still staring at the spot where I was just sitting.
A tear rolled down my cheek and Colby got up and grabbed my hand. We were the only two untouched by the strange time freeze. He put his arm around my shoulders and we walked back behind the counter, tears still streaming down my face.
I enjoy dream blogging because my dreams are so vivid and... strange. When I'm able to remember them, it makes me feel good, knowing that even when I sleep my brain is being creative and wonderful.
Hope everyone is enjoying the ends of their holidays.
SuperJan =]
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