Love Counter

December 11, 2009

Screw You, Bank of America!

So, work today sucked. First of all, they keep changing all my hours around. Usually I work 9-5, sometimes 6-2 once every other week or something. Lately, not only have they been cutting my hours down (making me come in later, or sending me home way too early to make labor), but they are making me come in around 10-11... which I don't mind, but I get there as there is a lunch rush or a big pocket of customers, o when things are already in full swing... I prefer getting there for the start of an actual shift, but I guess it doesn't matter...


My boss was on my ass all day long, when she is usually a sickening sugary sweet person. It was like everything I did, she had to criticize. This morning when I came into work, I was told that Brittany would be training Matthew and I on how to fully clean the McCafe machine (for those who don't know, that's the machine that makes lattes, cappuccinos, mochas, hot chocolate, etc.). During our training, Matthew had to keep stepping away to take care of customers on the front counter, leaving Brittany and I to wait. My boss came up to me shortly after training started while Brittany and I were waiting on Matthew, and she asked me what I was doing. I told her I was being trained on the machine, and she made a snide remark about how I was just standing around. I brushed the comment off and continued my training.

While the machine was cleaning itself, one of the managers asked me to wheel back one of the carts and refill all the condiments on the front line. So I went to the back to stock up and while I was back there, my boss stood between the back room and grill and asked loudly, "Hmm, where is Janise?" knowing I was standing right there. I rolled my eyes and told her I was told to stock front line, and she said in her sickeningly sarcastic way, "Weird, could have sworn you said you were being trained on McCafe, oh well!" and walked off. Once again, I shook off her comment and kept stocking. I was almost done when Colby came back to tell me the machine was done and Brittany needed to finish our training, so I left the cart and went up front. Once again, Matthew kept leaving to help customers, and Brittany were left to wait for him to continue. My boss came up and asked me, in that oh-so-lovely tone, "Aren't you supposed to be stocking?" I told her that I went to stock while the machine was cleaning itself, and now that the machine was done, I came back to finish my training. She sighed in an over dramatic fashion and said, "Okay, whatever!" and walked away.

Not to mention, she mentioned at least three times that my pants are too long and the bottoms of them are torn, and asked me when I was going to fix it... first of all, she never even mentioned to me that this was a problem, and secondly, did she have to mention it over and over? I mean I can't exactly go and hem my pants right there at work... and it isn't my fault. I'm chubby and short, even "petite" pants are too long for me. So I step on them and they tear. Yes, it doesn't look great, but I'm behind a counter for 95% of my day and NO ONE sees them. Except my boss, of course.

And this was my favorite. She asked me to pull out all the carts and trash cans at the counter and sweep behind them. So she went in the office and I pulled all three stations out and swept. Then I moved them back and swept up to the fry station. I swept ALL three stations at the counter. She came out and said, "I know you're not putting that broom away, I didn't see you sweep behind all the carts." I told her I did, and she called me a liar, telling me, "I was watching you on the camera, I didn't see you clean it. I swallowed my pride and annoyance and went and swept again, she watched me CLOSELY to make sure I did it. I got to the second station and she said, "Wow, its so clean you almost don't need to sweep!" Well, NO SHIT, I already did it once! Then she walked off.

I tried to avoid her for the rest of the day, it worked out alright. I had a really good day other than her though. It wasn't very busy, I kept my self busy though, cleaning and stocking and running around helping other people. My boss doesn't like me, which is weird because she loves Colby, and he got me the job. You know who she loves? Matthew. The only person there almost as annoying as she is. No one really likes him. I tried to befriend him, like I do with most, but... yeah, did not work out. Colby doesn't like me talking to him... but anyway.

SO, are you wondering why I hate Bank of America? Oh, and the Bank of Edwardsville? Well, today was payday! I went to Cobly's bank to cash my check like I have been doing every other Thursday for the last couple months, and the twenty-something year old girl told me I could not because I didn't have an account with them. I even showed her the receipts from previous check cashings... and she still ignored us and sent my shit through the little capsule thing. Whore.

But, the real issue is MY bank. Bank of America. I went to the smaller one today, since the big one is a lobby only and was closed. I went through the drive-thru. I have an account with them. I have $133 in my account, which is MORE than enough for them to cash my damn check and give me my money. In fact, the amount of money in my account isn't even an issue when cashing my check. The guy tells me, "It seems there aren't enough funds in your account, even though there are. It won't let me cash it. I can deposit it, but it will be a two day holding period."

REALLY? You kept my LAST check for 8 days before I got it! What gives? Seriously! I have cable/internet/phone bills to pay, utilities, and rent, why the fuck do I keep running into all these walls when it comes to cashing my checks? It doesn't make any sense to me.

Another question. Why do banks close so early on weekdays? I mean, the stereotypical job is even called the "nine to five" job... so why do most banks close their lobbys at 4:00? Or 5:00? Even drive-thru things close at 5-6:00... what gives? It honestly makes no sense to me. who are they targeting? Night shift workers? Its annoying as fuck, and it needs to change. But who am I to tell them they are nonsensical fuckers? No one.

I guess that's all. I'm watching Adult Swim... bored. Going to bed soon though, working early tomorrow, then I have this weekend off... Tyler, Justin, and Ryan are coming down on the 18th! Hell yeah! Tyler's ex just dumped him, again, so we are definitely going to go apartment hunting so he can move away from there for good.


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