Love Counter

December 30, 2009

From Early Days and Present Times.

I am from Fraggle Rock,
From finger paints and pictures on the fridge.
I am from the tin house in the middle of the woods.
I am from carnations in the garden,
And from the dandelions in the front yard
Which always seemed more beautiful to me.

I am from lazy Christmas mornings and a love of words,
From Verna, Alphie, Michael, and Anita.
I am from the lies, the bickering, and the broken promises,
From "Clean your room" and "Eat it all or get no dessert".
I am from a religion I once believed in,
From statues of the Virgin Mary that always gave me nightmares.

I'm from Maine, Europe, and Canada,
From snow forts and ice castles.
I'm from a warm kitchen,
From canned soup, spicy chicken, and chocolate cake.
From the drunken, homeless father,
And the jobless, self-blaming mother.

I am from the footsteps
Washed away with changing tides
But that left a deep impression.

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