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September 20, 2008

Procrastination, Though I See Hope!

So its a Friday night (though technically its Saturday morning here...) and everyone in the dorms are out drinking and partying at the Chalets, and here I am, bored out of my wits, just playing some WoW, because today is Pirates Day and my little priest is a pirate! Very, very cute.

So, a little update about my loan. I still haven't heard anything back from SallieMae, but I know these things take time and the economy is in turmoil, so I'm not stressing too much about it. The only problem is that I'm completely out of money, and I can't bum off my boyfriend anymore because he's got even less than I do. I talked to a woman from the St. John's campus today and she said that all I have to do is write up a list and approximate cost of all my books and bring it to student services, and she will write me a bursary check to cover it... awesome! Which means that instead of using the money that my mom is sending me on books, I can use it to buy REAL food, and some warmer clothes... and pay back everyone I've borrowed from.

So I'm kind of feeling a little releived, though I still have plenty of reasons to be stressed. Lots of little "what if?" things though, nothing major. I've been procrastinating as far as doing my major assignments goes... its the little ones that I actually can't do. I have next to none of my books, so I can't really do the readings from them, and I hardly know anyone in my classes, so I'm afraid to ask to borrow. I can't wait til I get some money...

I suppose that's all for now. Oh, and I just watched an amazing video of my friend and his buddies dancing to a really lame song... it was epic though. Arr, I be a pirate!

These have been the words of Jan... thanks for reading.

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