Love Counter

September 25, 2008

Of Early Beginnings and Present Times.

I am from Fraggle Rock,
from finger paints and pictures on the fridge.
I am from the tin house in the middle of the woods.
I am from carnations in the garden,
and from the dandelions in the front yard
which always seemed more beautiful to me.

I am from lazy Christmas mornings and a love of words,
from Verna, Alphie, Anita, and Michael.
I am from the lies, the bickering, and the broken promises,
from “Clean your room” and “Leave me alone, I'm tired”.
I am from a religion I once believed in,
from statues of the Virgin Mary that always gave me nightmares.

I’m from Maine , Europe, and Canada,
from snow forts and ice castles.
I’m from a warm kitchen,
from canned soup, spicy chicken, and chocolate cake.
From the addicted, homeless father,
and the stressful, self-blaming mother.

I am from the footsteps
washed away with changing tides,
but that left a deep impression.

Just something I wrote... thought I'd share.

My SallieMae loan was declined, and all because my co-borrower lives in my home country, and I do not. How ridiculous is that? Bastards. So Matt and I are upset because I'm still unable to find anything... though I got my mom's package today, she sent me $700 in American dollars, which is roughly $800 Canadian... Yay! So we are going to cash the check tomorrow and exchange the cash money we have, so I can shop and get some good food and some warmer clothes. I'm excited. Though I have some people I owe money to...

Other than that, its the same old... the university's principle died the other day and today was his funeral. Most classes were cancelled, but those with tests were not. I still had one class but I skipped it, slept in, completely exhausted...

I suppose that's all I have to share. I'm playing WoW, and not tired at all. Just sipping some nice, hot tea... everyone around me is sick, but I am relatively well, despite the high stress levels.

These have been the words of Jan... thanks for reading.

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