Love Counter

September 17, 2008

Incoming Aneurism?

Well I'm not going to start this out with anything cute or insightful, I'm pretty much just going to come out and say how I feel: America's economy fucking sucks. My reasoning? Remember that little loan I went to take out back in... hmm, June? Well apparently they've been trying to reach me at HOME (obviously they ignored that I emailed them my NEW number 3 times now), to tell me that they are bankrupt and no longer giving out loans. Well, super! Now what?!

So I had a complete mental breakdown and went to see the student services ladies, both of them, whose jobs are to help international students and to help with loans and financial situations. They both basically looked at me with pitying eyes and said, "Sorry, dear, I wish there were something I could do to help." ... Isn't this your job?! Don't you get paid to HELP people like ME get the money I need to go to your damn school? You're so helpful... sigh.

So when I found Matt I was minutes away from breaking down, after having already told this to three others and being unable to let myself cry from frustration. So while I went into a coma he went online to try and find another loan for me, and we found SallieMae... which I tried a while back but my login was screwy, so we tried it again and it went through, now its pending. Then the fun begins if I get accepted... getting my mom to fax all her personal stuff to me so that I can finalize it and get the final acceptance and eventually my check... again, if I'm even accepted.

I love that boy to death, I really do... I wouldn't be here without him. My RA, Andrew, came to check on him too after Nelson went and told him about my situation, he wanted to help. Sweet, sweet man he is. I must say I love living on this floor... its a shame I have to leave all my new friends next year...

So I'm stable for now, since I'm a floor rep and on council I got to help set up and clean up Game Night tonight, it was great fun. Watching Manny play pPump It Up with others who failed miserably against him, and watching Matt's never ending game of Monopoly... oh, and ultimate Jenga, that was fun... and Gill beat Terry and I at Bingo... good times though.

Sadly, I must leave you with that, now that WoW is working for me. I'm leveling my little priest, she's neat... farewell all, wish me luck.

These have been the words of Jan... thanks for reading.

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