Inspired by, I need to get some things off my chest.
1) I work at McDonalds, and I get it, it isn't the most glamorous job, I don't have a five figure salary, and I have to wear a stupid uniform. This does not make me uneducated, dirty, or pathetic. It means I am a teenager, and I have not yet gotten a degree that allows me to GET such a job.
2) On the same note, for those of you high school kids who come in and treat me like shit because you think you're high and mighty because you don't have to work in fast food, I would ditch that mentality, because I'm willing to bet once you get to college (assuming you ever do), you will have to work in a similar field to get some extra money.
3) I work at the register eight hours a day, 5 days a week. I know the menu and the prices my heart, as well as what does/does not come on them. When you order a number 12, I will ring it up as a number 12. If you then tell me that I rang it in wrong and you actually wanted a number 11, that is not my fault. Just because YOU don't know the menu, that does not make me stupid.
4) The menus have the number with the name of the meal, as well as a picture of the meal above it. I understand that you want to see what the meal looks like, but you NEED TO KNOW THE NAME. So when you stand there and try to point to a picture 10 feet over my head from 8 feet away, and then get angry when I ask you the name, it does NOT help. Learn the name of the order you get every damn day, and stop relying on pictures.
5) I understand, people want hot fries, I even love hot fries. But when you come in during the busiest hour of the day and demand hot, fresh fries, then watch me put them into the grease, do not interrupt the other customers by telling me that they are done, and that you want them "now". You will HEAR when they are done, a beeper goes off, you'll hear it. As much as you'd love for my world to revolve around your one order, your fries will still be hot and dripping with grease within the 15 seconds it takes me to finish up the next order. Chill out.
6) If something is wrong with your order, kindly wait in line, or step to the side and wait for me to acknowledge you. DO NOT stick your arm out and shove your food in my face, yelling and interrupting another customer because you asked for extra pickles and there are only 4 on your burger. Be considerate, be patient.
7) I know this is not at every restaurant, but at mine, our store manager likes for us to write the customers' first names on their receipts, it just makes it easier to hand out orders when we are busy. If there are 5 people with "Double cheese burger meals" and we call one out, someone who has been waiting 2 minutes might take the food from someone who has been waiting 10 minutes. Sure, not everyone wants to have their name called out, they want privacy or whatever, I respect that, but when you get ANGRY at me and tell me very impolitely that you refuse to give me my name and that it is none of my business, blah blah blah, without even asking me WHY I need your name, that is just inappropriate. On that same note, for all you guys who like for me to write "Rick James Bitch" on your receipt, FUCK you. If you don't want to take it seriously, I will gladly let someone else take your food.
8) We have a kid friendly restaurant, with a computer play place. I understand that kids don't want to sit still and want to play, but please, WATCH them! Behind the counter is VERY dangerous for a child running around, and if I have to chase your two year old into the grill area while you laugh and take pictures, I will ask you and your kid to leave. Have some responsibility and take care of your child's SAFETY. This is not Chuck E' Cheese.
9) EVERY time you order coffee, I ask if you want cream or sugar. If you say "No." then I will not give you any. Don't come up 5 minutes later and bitch at me because you want cream and sugar, that is why I ASK you. If you want some, then don't say no!
10) This is not Starbucks. Yes, we have coffee, mocha, lattes, and cappuccinos. If you ask me for a non-fat hazelnut caramel mocha frappuccino, I will look at you weird. I will tell you what we have. EXACTLY what we have. If you keep asking me "Well, do you have such and such?" I will get annoyed. This goes for ANYTHING. If I tell you what we have, and if you ask if we have something else, I will get frustrated. I'm not trying to HIDE anything wrong you, there are no damn secrets. What we have is what I tell you, get that through your head.
11) If you order something, know what is in it. If you don't know, then ask. If you order a number 10, Southern Style Chicken sandwich, you should know that it is a crispy chicken patty with butter and pickles, that is all. If you want something, I can add it, but if you don't ask, you will get the sandwich as such. Don't come up and demand a new FREE sandwich because, "All that is on it is pickles." Um... yeah. That IS the sandwich.
12) If you order breakfast at 10:29, when we start lunch at 10:30, we will kindly tell you that your biscuit, or Mcgriddle, or whatever, will take a few extra minutes because we are changing over and it has to be made separately. PLEASE, for the love of all things happy, TELL whoever is outside waiting for you that you are waiting! The last thing that we need while we are rushing to change everything over, is a big angry black man storming in, pushing people out of line, and cussing up a storm, calling everyone in the front "assholes" and "mother fuckers" because you didn't tell him that it was going to be a 4 minute wait on your food.
13) Also, arguing, name calling, and harassing whoever is taking the orders about how long it is taking will NOT make it go any faster. I DO NOT make your food, I just ring it up. Calling me names and telling me that you want your food NOW will not help. It really won't, I promise. When your food is done, it will come out. If we are holding on something, if we need meat cooked, I will tell you. I will ask you if you'd like to wait or order something else. If you choose to wait, stand their and shut your mouth.
14) There are two drive-thru lanes at my store. When I am in the "hole" taking drive-thru orders on both lanes, as well as taking money, it takes patience and concentration on both of our parts. I will ask you to wait. It isn't that I am ignoring you, I am just taking someone else's order/money. If I switch back to your lane and hear you screaming your order at me angrily after I just told you to politely hold, I will not be a happy camper.
15) I understand that we don't all have time to wipe down the table and push in the chairs after we eat, but some people do, to be considerate, and I thank them. But for those of you who this that we are your waiters and waitresses, that it is OUR job to clean up your sticky messes you leave on the tables, to pick up your trays full of food, and to peal smiley faces made out of bacon off the tables, you are wrong. Also, if you spilled something, or see a spill, TELL SOMEONE! For fuck's sake do not threaten to report our restaurant for being dirty, how can we possibly know about spills if no one tells us?!
16) We have machines that check to see whether $50 and $100 bills are real or not. It isn't common, but if your $100 rings in as "fake" I will ring it as many times as you like. But if it keeps beeping red, do not yell at me. Do not tell me that our machine is broken, and do not make remarks like "Well I guess McDonalds just doesn't take $100 bills." That... does not make sense. I will let you talk to a manager, or whatever you want. But it is not my fault. Go away, and take your fake money with you.
17) Sometimes we have unisex toys, such as our latest Alvin and the chipmunks toys. We only have ONE chipmunk out front at all times, so that people can collect them all. There is no "boy" or "girl" toy, even though there are boy and girl chipmunks, we encountered this with the Avatar toys as well. Do not demand that I go and open a new box in the back and hunt out toy number #2 for this child, toy number #6 for this child and toy number #1 for this child, because I can not do that. You can trade toys at ANY McDonalds store, so please, do that.
18) If you want some sort of sauce, as for it when you make your order. Do not stand there looking like a fool, expecting me to hand you 5 BBQ, 3 ranch cups, 17 ketchup, and 4 mustard... because why would I? If you don't ask, how am I supposed to know?
19) There are certain sauces that we do not keep in the grill area, e.g. Hot mustard. But we do have hot mustard cups at the registers and in the running area. If you want, I will GLADLY give you some to put on your burger. But what I will not do is force a grill person to open these little cups for you and douse your sandwich, when you are very much capable. Nor will I do it on my counter, so don't ask.
20) I already mentioned this but it bears repeating. If there is something WRONG with how your sandwich was made, e.g. you asked for extra pickles and no onions, and there were onions on your sandwich, I will gladly take your sandwich and have it remade for you. DO NOT have a hissy fit and take apart your sandwich and pile up all your onions on the counter. Not only is this completely asinine and inappropriate, it is compltely disgusting!
I guess that's all. And for those of you who come to McDonalds just to get a small cup of water... I have to ring that up. And since it is free, I need a manager to put their code in. I need a manager to do a lot of things, such as:
1) Cash out your order if you have a coupon for everything, and it is free.
2) If you pay with a $100 bill.
3) To open my drawer for any reason.
4) To print out a second receipt.
5) To give you a refund.
There are other times, but my point is there are a lot of things that I can not do. So please be patient while I grab someone. And they are not always happy to help someone else, so they may take their slow sweet time and mumble under their breath. I'm sorry, but there's nothing I can do.
Back to work tomorrow.
Oh. Joy.
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