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January 10, 2010

Dream Blog: 1/9/10 (Part 2)

I'm in a large SUV with a man, woman, and a young girl a few years younger than me, they are my family. We are on our way to McDonalds, and we are all laughing and throwing on formal wear in the vehicle. My "sister" and I begin to argue about whose shoes are whose and she eventually gets her way and puts on my shiny black heels. We get to the restaurant and my sister and I go outside to a large playground in the back. She runs to the swings and begins to play, and I climb to the top of a large rock climbing wall.

There is a train parked on a set of train tracks running straight through the playground, and a few dozen boxcars behind it, all different colors. The dream turns into video game like pixels and suddenly I can see into all of the boxcars. Inside each car there is a home, with people inside. Inside one of the homes there is a dead body. I try to jump over the boxcars trying to run from someone who is suddenly chasing me, just keep running.


A group of friends and I go to a really creepy closed hospital to rescue another one of our friends. We get there to find the whole place dark and locked down. We find an unlocked door and sneak in, trying to avoid all the desks and personnel. We get caught by a doctor and begin to run.

We turn a corner, thinking we lost the doctor, only to come face to face with our friend, smiling and happy as a clam wheeling himself around in a wheelchair. We walk out as if we weren't breaking into and then out of a crazy, evil hospital. Then... we left.


Lots of crazy dreams last night...
Time to sleep again.

Night night.


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