Love Counter

October 12, 2010

Wake Up!

So... when your girlfriend freaks out on your Facebook daily about how other girls, girls who are YOUR FRIENDS, comment your statuses, and your pictures (which is what friends do, by the way), and she calls them ALL things like "fat" "ugly" "bitches" "whores" "cunts", among other things, when she doesn't even know them... maybe its time to punch her in the face and realize she has been doing this for too fucking long, and that she's a controlling, malicious bitch who is only there to make you miserable, and to isolate you from people who care. Just saying.

I miss my fucking best friend. You used to talk to me and tell me everything. You used to come and visit me and Colby, and we would have an amazing time. Ever since you started dating her, you won't talk to ANYONE. Even your cousin has come to me to tell me you've changed because of her, and not for the better.

She is mean. She is malicious and is only out to hurt other people to help her feel better about herself. And those friends of hers are no better.

Remember when they attacked me for no reason? Because she was jealous?
You didn't do anything, you just sat back and watched.

You wouldn't answer my calls or texts, you completely took her side on a battle that she created in her head.

What has she done to you?

Fuck man...

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