So I'm on USTREAM watching Jeph Jacques draw today's Questionable Content comic () and I'm in chat with some seriously awesome people.
Here are some QC themed Alliterations they've come up with! Woot!
2:21 KnavishSprite: Hugging Hannelore Heralds Heavy Hyperventilating
2:23 Tychomnger: Diddling Dora Delineates Deficiencies
2:23 darkoneko: Tickling Tai Takes The Talk
2:24 hopalong1987: Touching Tai Trrigers Tounge Tickling
2:24 Tychomnger: Probing Pintsize Pleases Properly
2:24 BearcatSarge: Stalking Steve Starts Stupid 'Staches
2:24 hopalong1987: Monstrous Melons Make Marten Moisten
2:25 darkoneko: Merry Marigold Makes Marten Mopey
2:26 Tychomnger: Telephoning Tortura Takes Talent
2:26 hopalong1987: Clutz Cossette Contributes Clumsily
2:26 stgk: Admiring Angus' Ass Always Attracts
2:27 BearcatSarge: Deliberating Dale Draws Dangerous Desires
2:27 darkoneko: Angu's ass always attracts attention
2:27 coolfusis: Penetrating Penelope proves pleasurable
2:28 BearcatSarge: Waxing Will Warns Woefully
2:27 stgk: Sucking Steve Starts Sloppy Sexytimes
2:29 hopalong1987: Judging Jimbo's Jew Jokes Justifies Jelly Jam
2:29 stgk: Prodding Padma Procures Pleasant Playtime
2:30 Tychomnger: Pursuing Padma Proves Problematic
2:30 BearcatSarge: Egging Elliot Elicits Elegant Elevation
2:31 coolfusis: Ravishing Raven Relaxes Readily
2:31 hopalong1987: Faye's Felatio Finishes Fine Fillies Fourtimes Fortnightly
2:31 darkoneko: Faye finds fucking fantastic
2:31 BearcatSarge: Marrying Meena Means Massive Makeout
2:31 stgk: Raping Renee Risks Rotten, Rough Repercussions
2:32 darkoneko: pervert pitsize pretending poopy penetration
2:32 hopalong1987: Picturing Prepupesent Pornstars Pleased Pintsize
2:33 stgk: Wiggling Winslow Will Welcome Whimpers
2:33 emeraldbeacon: Jiggling Jimbo's Jewels Just (G)enerates Jism
2:33 coolfusis: Wanking Wil's Woody Wasn't Wonderful
2:33 BearcatSarge: Yammering Yellingbird Yowls "You Young Yaks!"
2:33 Tychomnger: Searching for Sarah Seems Senseless
2:35 BearcatSarge: Knowning Knavish Kneads Knack
2:35 stgk: Banging Bearcat Brings Babies
2:36 emeraldbeacon: Randy Readily Reciprocates Reintroductions
2:36 Tychomnger: Tickling Tai Translates into Tweets
2:37 stgk: LordofBays Loves Licking Lovers Listfully
2:37 Tychomnger: Arguing with Angus Accrues Anal
After that, they started getting worse and worse... as if they weren't raunchy and awful already. People were getting mad. I actually accidentally pasted the same ones a few times and didn't copy others, it makes me sad because some really awesome ones were lost...
Anyway, that's all for now, thanks for reading!