Love Counter

July 8, 2011


So I'm on USTREAM watching Jeph Jacques draw today's Questionable Content comic () and I'm in chat with some seriously awesome people.

Here are some QC themed Alliterations they've come up with! Woot!

2:21 KnavishSprite: Hugging Hannelore Heralds Heavy Hyperventilating

2:23 Tychomnger: Diddling Dora Delineates Deficiencies

2:23 darkoneko: Tickling Tai Takes The Talk

2:24 hopalong1987: Touching Tai Trrigers Tounge Tickling

2:24 Tychomnger: Probing Pintsize Pleases Properly

2:24 BearcatSarge: Stalking Steve Starts Stupid 'Staches

2:24 hopalong1987: Monstrous Melons Make Marten Moisten

2:25 darkoneko: Merry Marigold Makes Marten Mopey

2:26 Tychomnger: Telephoning Tortura Takes Talent

2:26 hopalong1987: Clutz Cossette Contributes Clumsily

2:26 stgk: Admiring Angus' Ass Always Attracts

2:27 BearcatSarge: Deliberating Dale Draws Dangerous Desires

2:27 darkoneko: Angu's ass always attracts attention

2:27 coolfusis: Penetrating Penelope proves pleasurable

2:28 BearcatSarge: Waxing Will Warns Woefully

2:27 stgk: Sucking Steve Starts Sloppy Sexytimes

2:29 hopalong1987: Judging Jimbo's Jew Jokes Justifies Jelly Jam

2:29 stgk: Prodding Padma Procures Pleasant Playtime

2:30 Tychomnger: Pursuing Padma Proves Problematic

2:30 BearcatSarge: Egging Elliot Elicits Elegant Elevation

2:31 coolfusis: Ravishing Raven Relaxes Readily

2:31 hopalong1987: Faye's Felatio Finishes Fine Fillies Fourtimes Fortnightly

2:31 darkoneko: Faye finds fucking fantastic

2:31 BearcatSarge: Marrying Meena Means Massive Makeout

2:31 stgk: Raping Renee Risks Rotten, Rough Repercussions

2:32 darkoneko: pervert pitsize pretending poopy penetration

2:32 hopalong1987: Picturing Prepupesent Pornstars Pleased Pintsize

2:33 stgk: Wiggling Winslow Will Welcome Whimpers

2:33 emeraldbeacon: Jiggling Jimbo's Jewels Just (G)enerates Jism

2:33 coolfusis: Wanking Wil's Woody Wasn't Wonderful

2:33 BearcatSarge: Yammering Yellingbird Yowls "You Young Yaks!"

2:33 Tychomnger: Searching for Sarah Seems Senseless

2:35 BearcatSarge: Knowning Knavish Kneads Knack

2:35 stgk: Banging Bearcat Brings Babies

2:36 emeraldbeacon: Randy Readily Reciprocates Reintroductions

2:36 Tychomnger: Tickling Tai Translates into Tweets

2:37 stgk: LordofBays Loves Licking Lovers Listfully

2:37 Tychomnger: Arguing with Angus Accrues Anal


After that, they started getting worse and worse... as if they weren't raunchy and awful already. People were getting mad. I actually accidentally pasted the same ones a few times and didn't copy others, it makes me sad because some really awesome ones were lost...

Anyway, that's all for now, thanks for reading!